Was interested to read on the front page about a record price being paid for a W12 property. Hartswood Road seems to be in some danger of being rebranded as being in Chiswick to justify these high prices. Twenty year ago people seemed comfortable enough describing it as being in Shepherd's Bush but recently I have heard people claiming it is in Chiswick, Stamford Brook or Starch Green. Nobody seems to want to live in Shepherd's Bush even when they do an especially when they live in multi-million pound houses.
Andy Jones ● 3790d10 Comments
One of our longstanding acquaintances lived in Aylmer Rd [west of Hartswood Rd] in the 1950's. His phone number was SHEpherds Bush 1179. Upsizing to Rylett Crescent in 1964, and as the new number was HOGarth 0890, he decided he was now living in Chiswick - even though he didn't actually move there till 1990.Does this help or hinder?
Richard Scott ● 3662d
HI GANG .... AS A RESIDENT of Hartswood since 76 .. we have always been used to calling it Stamford "Brook" ..as apparently it used to run beneath us ( think its now a sewer ) and was told the ASKEW is the divide twixt SB and StB .. and it seems to be much the same today .. but now we have the super 272 and a ginger pig in the middle .. if u say SBush people think of The Green as being SBush ..we are quite aways from there and the borough ends one road over ... into Chiswick which is under Hounslow ... so U takes your choice .. B
Bob Hodkison ● 3706d
The focus of that area is Stamford Brook Common so Stamford Brook is probably how I would describe it. As Stamford Brook would be seen by most people as a sub-division of Chiswick then it is not too much of a stretch to claim you live there.If the new cinema ever opens (which admittedly now looks very unlikely) the centre of gravity of Chiswick High Road will move east rejuvenating the section near Stamford Brook making people in the area more inclined to head south rather than north or east to eat/shop etc.
Paul Corcoran ● 3709d
We lived in Hartswood Road when we were first married, in the early 80s. We used to call in Stamford Brook, that being the nearest tube station, and people did use to say, 'Oh, so you live in North London?'
Susan Kelly ● 3732d
I would say it is Chiswick for Estate Agents, Shepherd's Bush for Royal Mail (such as it is), Hammersmith for politicians and Stamford Brook for residents wanting a cosy area (even if outsiders sometimes confuse it with Stamford Bridge).
Joanna Brendon ● 3762d
I know buses do it quicker and hurrah for the 94, but I love walking and that is certainly quicker than the 266.
Caroline MacMillan ● 3774d
Insurance companies think W12 is Shepherds Bush...As long ago as 1977 we knew a woman who lived in Wendell Road, east of Hartswood. She was overheard at a party saying " So you live in Stamford Brook? Well, WE live in Bedford Park". Isn't the whole thing a bit out of date anyway, now that we live in Askew Village?PS: Caroline, but it's quicker to catch a 94 or 237 to Shepherds Bush Common than the less frequent 266 to Hammersmith! And the 272 to Chiswick is very quick...
Richard Scott ● 3775d
Indeed it is W12 postal code but if you live in or in roads adjoining Hartswood Road it is definitely quicker to walk to the centre of Hammersmith than to that of Shepherds Bush (ie The Green) which is why people will say the area is Hammersmith rather than Shepherds Bush.
Caroline MacMillan ● 3789d
Surely the postcode determines the area, as Hartswood Road is W12 that is Shepherds Bush, is it not?
Carol Burge ● 3789d
Perhaps more Hammersmith than Shepherds Bush, definitely not Chiswick (even if they think they are).
Caroline MacMillan ● 3790d