Please can you help the Big Advice Survey?
Hi can you help with the Big Advice Survey? I work at a Citizens Advice Bureaux and we are trying to understand how we deal with problems in our daily lives and where advice fits in. We're doing this through the "Big Advice Survey"It's straightforward and takes about 5 mins - basically, it's just multiple choice unless you want to add further info. We want to use the results to make decisions on how the local advice sector can improve the services we offer to the general publicIf you can help by taking the survey that would be really appreciated. You can take the survey directly from this link:'s a dedicated site with lots more info, here: a one-minute video explaining what we're trying to do: again, I hope I've not broken any rules by posting this and if you can spare a few minutes to take the survey it would be really appreciated!Many thanksPatrick
Patrick Torsney ● 3693d1 Comments