Proposed siting of sewer drainage system Hammersmith Grove
The proposed Thames Water works to site sewerage drains near the junction of Hammersmith Grove/Goldhawk Road and/or Astrop Terrace is surely not acceptable given the huge amount of disruption not only to residents who will be living almost on top of any proposed works, but also to busy roads serving Shepherds Bush Green and Hammersmith. How many people have been consulted? The report was written prior to all of the new builds being erected so it seems it is not fully up to date. The new build is to be unveiled shortly with many more potential residents that will not have been notified. As well as this there is the one storey building about to be turned into more flats. It has become a building site around the area and we need an air quality control to find out just how this is affecting residents and will affect us even more, if sewerage works are carried out. Verulam House grounds and Astrop Terrace are being named for the siting which will cause massive disruption not only to residents but to traffic in the area.Does anyone else know more about this or can give advice?
jackie pemberton ● 3566d0 Comments