Read to Children!
Are you available Mondays, Tuesdays or Thursdays between 3.45-6.30pm during school term time?Come and join an enthusiastic team of volunteers who are passionate about books and helping children to love story time, and have lots of fun along the way!Doorstep Library Network runs Doorstep Libraries on estates in Hammersmith & Fulham. Each project recruits volunteers to pay weekly visits to low-income families to read stories to their children and bring a choice of children books to borrow.Volunteers work in pairs, with each pair picking books to read with and lend to families. We visit families in their homes/ on their doorsteps, read a story with the children and lend them books for the week. Through the reading of stories to the children we also act to befriend parents/ carers, offering a listening ear and signposting suitable local services where appropriate.All Volunteers receive initial and on-going training and support throughout the placement.Please contact us on
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