Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust Chief Executive Resigns
Dr Batten leaves Imperial when it is on its knees due to starvation of funds from Government. All the pressures which we see in the BBC series about Imperial, called "Hospital" (, stem from one thing: not enough money to meet the much greater demand from a growing population and a more elderly population in NW London and from further afield. All this is about to get much worse under the NHS "Sustainability and Transformation Plan" or "Slash, Trash and Privatise" Plans: its credit H&F have refused to sign the NW London STP. Councillors smelled the rat when they were asked in June 2016 to sign a two-page document. The NHS said: "Trust us!" as if they were children. The two pages contained no financial details and no clear explanation of the nature of the Plan.
Una-Jane Winfield ● 2957d0 Comments