Report Confirms Plans to Sell Off Charing Cross Site and Slash Services
There appears to be massive financial pressure exerted from the top of the NHS and from Jeremy Hunt on the management of Imperial and other London hospitals trusts.There are no less that three plans to sell off the Imperial "estate":(1) the original 2013 "Shaping a Healthier Future" [title always makes me choke!](2) "Project Phoenix" - the NHS's PPP plan to sell off all NHS land in the South East including London by the end of June by European tender.(3) a new appeal for ideas by Imperial - article in print edition of Evening Standard on 22nd June called " 'Best ideas' wanted from developers as three hospitals look to rebuild" (available in, they could all be current plans. The common theme is a "fire sale". When you look at the Government's "starving diet" for the NHS it is easy to see why.
Una-Jane Winfield ● 2817d0 Comments