Managing Our Homes In This Strange Digital Age! Talk on 24 April
If anyone is interested ABN is hosted a talk on 24 April Tuesday, 24 April, Upstairs at The Duchess of Cambridge, 320 Goldhawk Road, W6 OXF, 6.45 for 7pmA look at how the world around our homes (utilities, councils, estate agents etc) are ‘digitising’ and what that means for homeowners and what we can do to keep control.Nigel Walley of Local tech company Chimni, is helping participants to scan and ‘digitise’ this wonderful treasure trove of documents and photos to create unique online records. As part of these project, people are encouraged to dig out old photos, documents and deeds and share any interesting finds among the groups. Chimni is showing people how to share old photographs by email and social media and to build them into online records using Chimni’s online log-book system.Doors open at 6.30pm. Talk starts at 7pm. No bar upstairs so please buy drinks downstair to bring up.
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