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Trojan Horse

Trojan Horse Tahir Alam is allegedly the man behind a blueprint for the ‘Trojan Horse’ plot for the radical ‘Islamisation’ of secular state schools. An alleged plot to takeover some of Britain’s schools by Islamist extremists has been reportedly masterminded by a ringleader who had drafted a guide document on the process, a media report has said. Tahir Alam, chairman of governors at Park View school in Birmingham, is allegedly the man behind a blueprint for the so-called “Trojan Horse” plot for the radical “Islamisation” of secular state schools. He called for “girls [to] be covered except for their hands and faces”, advocated gender segregation in some school activities, and attacked a “multicultural approach” to collective worship, the Sunday Telegraph' reported. In his 72-page document, published by the Muslim Council of Britain in 2007, Tahir Alam and co-author Muhammad Abdul Bari categorically attacked many state schools for not being “receptive of legitimate and reasonable requests made by some Muslim parents and pupils in relation to their faith-based aspirations and concerns”. They described how Muslim governors could be activated to press the “views and aspirations of Muslim parents and the local community” on reluctant schools. Birmingham has a large Muslim population, nearly 22 per cent, according to the 2011 census. The “Trojan Horse” plot had come to light recently and involves the alleged takeover of secular state schools and the removal of secular head teachers in Birmingham by radical Muslim staff and governors. There are more Methodist schools than Muslim schools in England and 33% of English state schools are Christian. There’s been a big kerfuffle over a supposed Muslim influence on six schools in Birmingham, with outlets like the BBC and Telegraph alleging a “Trojan horse” takeover by Muslim parents. But whether you agree with religion in schools or not, the faith that is most clearly represented in Britain’s education system is Christianity. There are more Methodist schools (26 or 0.13%) than Muslim schools in England. Out of the total number of state-funded schools (primary and secondary) in England this is what percentage were Muslim in 2012. Some 0.06% or 12 schools are Muslim faith schools.  Out of all UK state-funded schools, 33.61% or 6751 schools are Christian. School segregation: 12% of state schools are split into boys and girls. Charges against the six schools in Birmingham include not teaching the curriculum, inviting radical speakers to talk to the children and gender segregating classrooms – to the detriment of girls. A small, but significant number of traditional British schools are split by gender too. The man accused of being at the centre of the plot, Faisal Khan, has denied the allegations, saying his sole motive was to improve the standards at schools and that he had no wish to “Islamize” British schools. British authorities are now investigating the alleged plot. UK Education Secretary Michael Gove appointed Peter Clarke, former head of Scotland Yard’s Counter Terrorism Command, to lead the probe. The appointment of Clarke has faced criticism, with critics saying the move has resulted in rising fears over a possible government crackdown on Muslim communities in the UK. There are concerns that the plan could prevent ordinary Muslims from getting involved in their children’s schooling affairs for fear of being branded extremist. “The idea that MCB document was a Communist or Trotskyite-type plot to takeover all Birmingham/UK schools is laughable. This feeds into a wider 'counter-jihadist' (Breivik, EDL, etc) narrative that Muslims want to "take over". To describe the handbook as 'a document on manipulating teachers and curriculum' or 'a detailed blueprint for the radical "Islamisation" of secular state schools', as Sunday Telegraph says, is an insult to the many thousands of professionals and lay people who have been involved over the last ten years in the massive improvements in the educational achievement of young Muslim people. There is a level of hysteria building which is not justified, we need to take the temperature down and politicians must not play with these issues or else face a potential backlash, possibly in community cohesion." Abdul BariThe whole saga is outrageous, beyond belief and frankly if it was not so serious, it would be comical. The documents on which this whole action is perused is false and as there is no proof of extremism in schools, Mr Gove has made it illegal for Muslims to have conservative views (coming from a minister of conservative government, its comical really). Feel like we are back in the fifties in the USA again. Michael Gove is an avowed Zionist which is not the best way to approach issues like this! Because it can lead greater attacks on Islam. It amazes me that on the basis of an anonymous letter the whole country has been lead to believe that there is an organised plot to somehow take over schools, now allegedly across the length and breadth of Britain! Furthermore the amount of coverage that this has received from the media as being a credible story, to me, suggests the level of Islamophobia in our society has reached alarming and dangerous heights. I would suggest that for the sake of fairness, equality and justice all schools are subject to the same level of scrutiny. For example Christian, C-of-E, Jewish and Hindu, Sikh schools. I believe that this not only a witch hunt but a move to tarnish and undermine the credibility of Muslims in general and the noble teachings of a widely practiced and rapidly growing religion which a people devotedly choose to follow. Islamophobia should be stopped - especially when the racist is a government minister or department. you must share this island with many people, why does it belong to one people? Grammar schools regularly carry out gender segregation, shall we remove those Head teachers too.  The horse in question, it is alleged, contained Muslim extremism – brought to state schools by stealth, by governor bodies launching subtle pincer movements, to remove the kind of pesky teachers who might object to the segregation of pupils by sex, or a refusal to stick to the syllabus. How incredibly extremist. Schools where segregation of pupils by sex occur. How different from boy's only Grammar schools and High schools for Girls that exist in predominately Conservative areas. And that exist predominately in the private school sector. It does though surely produce better exam results, as pupils are less influenced by the idea of 'girl's subjects' and 'boy's subjects', and are less likely to be distracted by sex. Allegations of an Islamic takeover plot of Birmingham schools are just the latest in a string of slurs against Muslims. It is not clear what is meant by an "Islamic plot takeover", and whether that is the same thing as saying or hinting that some Muslims might want to get some schools to adopt their particular version of Islamic religious values, behaviours and life-styles. If it is the latter, that would not necessarily be an indication of "terrorism", so I struggle to see the need for 'counter-terrorism' input. It is not terrorism in any way shape or form. It is important to remember this is not about Islam as such but yet another chance to bash people perceived as foreigners. To many Muslim is another word for immigrant and coloured person, two terrible bugbears. Why should an unnamed, undated, unspecific source has effected students, teachers, governors, parents in one swoop. It has serious implications on unfounded accusations for hundreds of people. In no way shape or form is this right, nor should have it EVER happened. Just by a anonymous letter how can you judge the schools and it is bringing such bad vibe to Birmingham schools and local Muslim community we feel like we're targets no matter how hard we try we will never please and move forward from the terrorist labelling. I am disgusted at the way these particular schools and governors were targeted for no reason other than being Muslim. No solid evidence wa available to substantiate these accusations which arose and yet such great weight and focus was attached to them. Morally unjust and utterly unacceptable. The Trojan Horse document was clearly written by someone who knows little about Birmingham and even less about Islam. It has chimed, however, with widespread Islamophobic fantasies and fears amongst non-Muslims, and as a result of unethical reporting in the media has done much damage. On the one hand we get told we are not integrating enough and we should engage more in civic society. On the other, when we do, we get accused of having sinister agendas. Since when do concerns by religiously conservative parents about teaching on homosexuality, girls and boys mixing, and the reciting of prayers, require anti-terrorist experts to get involved? Allegations of an Islamic takeover plot in Birmingham schools aren't justified by the evidence – and the government response is way out of proportion. Perhaps its best to let the Muslim community sort these issues out. These are in effect Muslim schools now. It is up to the Muslim community to see off hard liners (if there are any) otherwise it is their own children's' education that will suffer. I think it would be very difficult for non Muslims to get involved either as governors or management so perhaps that it is one of the reasons for the conflicts that have arisen. It may be best for the Government to but out providing the record of the school is O.K. from an exam point of view. I am so disgusted that even after it was proved there is no factual evidence or basis for that racist and hate filled document, schools in Birmingham are being subjected to this horrific ordeal and the name of many good reputable teachers is being tarnished... Why? Clearly viewable that this accusation has been purposely placed on these schools which surprisingly consists of majority Muslim children. Clearly the school policies are being contradicted by Mr Gove as they clearly state that it is the schools priority and job to meet the needs of the local community and of the students within the school. So if a school is doing that then what is the issue? What is happening feels like the persecution of a religious group. This is important because the wit hunt feeds Islamophobia. As we can see from the bombings and arson attacks on mosques in the UK, Islamophobia is a very dangerous and divisive form of racism. I'm sick of this hatred of Islam and Muslims. Haters, ignorant scum, look for any means to target Muslims, now even in our schools. It's a joke and this has to stop. How hypocritical does a country have to be to illegally invade Muslim countries and then accuse Muslims of terrorism? I am a Muslim. I am an anti-terrorist.   I never realised how racist and anti-Islamic this country is until I moved here. These people are here legally and have the right to live how they want to. Just because there are terrorists who use Islam as a doctrine to justify their hateful acts, does NOT mean that every Islam wants to change Britain to Sharia Law, kill the gays and put all women in burkas! These people are being judged and punished for the actions of others that have nothing to do with them, simply because they are of the same religion. Do you judge Germans in the same way because their country committed genocide? Or the Irish if they are from an area where religious conflict was particularly violent? No. Seems like thinly veiled racism to me, not the 'staunch upholding of British rights against religious extremists' as you all seem to espouse. What do people mean when they talk about 'multiculturalism'? If a lot of people come from a foreign country and settle in a particular area they will bring the culture of that country with them. Of course they will want their schools to promote their values. Gender segregation is everywhere in the Muslim world including in EU applicant, Turkey, so either we believe in Britain as multicultural or we don't. You don't get to pick and choose the bits you want. Why not sit down with parents and listen to their concerns, instead of ordering an investigation? Shocked at this terrifying witch hunt against Muslims who are simply trying to raise standards. Its totally unacceptable to create a furore in the country over anonymous accusations with no proof. Because it is a divisive move and will affect community relations. This is the very reason why society does not function properly, this is a deliberate attempt to spread fear amongst communities, as the best way to control a nation is through fear itself. because this is NOT ,,I repeat is NOT an Islamic plot to take over Birmingham, so DO NOT put false information in the media to put Muslims down!!!!! What next.....Muslims taking over hospitals, banks, pubs....come on... Tomorrow, a Pakistani MP would become the PM of GB and this does not mean that the country has become a colony of Pakistan.  What's taking place is an absolute disgrace. This whole witch hunt is putting Muslims off from becoming governors at a time when it is need the most. Why should Muslim parents be targeted when all they want at the end of the day is a good all round education for their children. Before Muslims governors came on to the scene all the inner city schools were doing poorly and failing all the children of the school. Muslim parents were criticised for their lack of involvement in their children's schools. Now they are being vilified. It is an absolute disgrace that an ex anti terrorist police office has been brought in to investigate the situation. It stinks of racism and the desire to label all Muslims into the category of extremist and jihadist. What a disgrace by the national and the local government. It's wrong for Gove to be deliberately politicising our Education system. All our children deserve respect and not to be scapegoated. What a total waste of tax payers money and tactical manoeuvre by Michael Gove to divert attention away from the real issues. Gove’s war is designed to destabilise governing bodies where Muslims form a majority. Don't want us to be part of 'big society'?  We totally reject the idea that there is Muslim plot to take over Birmingham schools. We abhor the scapegoating of the Muslim community being whipped up by the media. We call for the removal of Peter Clarke as we believe this is a provocative appointment, designed to divide our community. I don't believe that there is an Islamic Plot to take over Birmingham schools. It's a set-up. Anonymous complaints have been used in the past to hound good head teachers of community schools out of their jobs in order to facilitate the creation of academies. This whole story smells of falsification and corruption. I suspect that the people wishing to take over schools are not Islamic extremists, but Academy Chains with business interests. A shamefully irresponsible and sensationalised inquiry whose adverse impact on community relations locally and nationally will sadly be lingering long and far. If British authorities are so concerned about their education institutions being infiltrated by ``extremists'' then I suggest they stop Tony Blair, architect in chief of the illegal and violent 2003 Iraq invasion from speaking at colleges and universities across the UK and the world. His lies and fabrications caused the deaths, directly and indirectly, of thousands of Iraqis, British and Americans. While the survivors of his wars suffer in silence, this former British Prime Minister makes millions through his speaking engagements at educational institutions across the world with little or no sign of remorse for the suffering he caused. Nothing I see in the above articles suggests the British Muslim educators in question did anything illegal, let alone anywhere as remotely destructive as the twice elected British Prime Minister. Britain's interests would be served better if they questioned their own domestic and overseas policies instead of perennially whining on about ``extremist'' from their (mostly) law abiding immigrant communities. There are a total of 21300 Primary and 3900 Secondary schools in the UK. Finding that 6 out of these 25200 had board members who wanted to push their extremist views over the governance of those school is not a Islamic Plot or Trojan Horse to Islamises UK. This is a massive overreaction and the Islamophobia on display in the comments is more terrifying than the actual case itself. Stop the racist witch hunt in Birmingham schools. We Muslims have a right to our religion. I decry everything which denigrates Muslims in this country. The media and governmental attitudes and actions, inflame prejudice and ignorance. We want the best for our children and such baseless witch hunt of school governors does not help the cause of better education. Stop this hate against Muslims. It is not them who are terrorists , but all those who imply they are with the help of media you try bringing others to your side giving false details - twin towers wasn't Muslim either - that was the Americans - you will not win as Islam Will forever grow and prove it is peaceful through the will of God (Allah SWT)... amen. This is undermining confidence in the Muslim community and increasing Islamophobia. This is another example of the media whipping up hysteria against the UK Muslim community.  The way our Govt treating British Muslims is as if all Muslims are terrorists unless they prove otherwise. Govt should focus on its job. Governors of this school worked hard to help a failing school achieve outstanding rating from Ofsted. Please fix Ofsted and stop demonising Muslims. Nick Clegg on LBC radio indicated that the DFE is full of right wing ideologues and extremist loons. Islamic schools protect Muslim children from the onslaught of Euro centrism, homosexuality, racism, and secular traditions. All education systems appear to be indoctrination systems. I went to a good private school. Guess how we were 'encouraged' to think about politics! Having a Muslim name in UK is a crime. All UK job application forms have sections ask your race and religions. Most UK employers simply reject your applications just by looking at this section. Native Brits must learn to respect and tolerate those who are different. The needs and demands of the Muslim community are different from those of natives. Muslims are in Britain not to give up their cultural heritage. They must integrate in their new home country, learn new languages and apply for political representation -- without forgetting their cultural heritage. It is important to learn Standard English, but their  languages should not be neglected. They need Masajid and grave yards. Muslim children not only need halal meat or Eid Holidays but they need state funded Muslim schools with Muslim teachers as role models during their development period also. There is no place for a non-Muslim child or a teacher in a Muslim school. A Muslim is a citizen of this tiny global village. He/she does not want to become notoriously monolingual Brit. The whole world belongs to Muslims. He/she must learn and be well versed in Standard English to follow the National Curriculum and go for higher studies and research to serve humanity. At the same time, he/she must learn and be well versed in Arabic, Urdu and other community languages to keep in touch with their cultural heritage and enjoy the beauty of their literature and poetry. For a Muslim English is an economic language and Arabic is a religious while Urdu and other community languages are their social and emotional languages.Muslim children not only need halal meat or Eid Holidays but they need state funded Muslim schools with Muslim teachers as role models during their development period also. There are hundreds of state primary and secondary schools where Muslim pupils are in majority. In my opinion all such schools may be opted out to become Muslim Academies. This means the Muslim children will get a decent education. Muslim schools turned out balanced citizens, more tolerant of others and less likely to succumb to criminality or extremism. Muslim schools give young people confidence in who they are and an understanding of Islamic teaching of tolerance and respect which prepares them for a positive and fulfilling role in society. Muslim schools are attractive to Muslim parents because they have better discipline and teaching Islamic values. Children like discipline, structure and boundaries. Bilingual Muslim children need Bilingual Muslim teachers as role models during their developmental periods, who understand their needs and demands. There is no place for a non-Muslim child or a teacher in a Muslim school. Legally, the state has an obligation to respect the rights of parents to ensure that 'education and teaching(of their children) is in conformity with their own religious and philosophical convictions.' The schools must satisfy the spiritual, moral, social, and cultural needs of Muslim pupils. State schools with non-Muslim monolingual teachers are not in a position to satisfy their needs. A good school is not just a knowledge factory or a conveyor belt for churning out exam passes - it is a community, a family. A community is held together by common values and principles.IALondon School of Islamics Trust

Iftikhar Ahmad ● 3872d0 Comments ● 3872d

'Heartbleed' Bug: Change ALL Of Your Passwords Warn Security Experts

'Heartbleed bug' exposes encryption keys; How to test your favourite sites for safetyNot much consumers can do to fix the problem.Published 09 April 2014  |  Brownie MarieEmail Print Text Size Larger SmallerMore Sharing Services ShareCodenomiconA flaw in the popular OpenSSL software has left millions of people vulnerable to having their banking information, tax files, emails, and other online data exposed. And there's no way to know if someone has accessed your information.Nicknamed "Heartbleed," the "bug" is actually a weakness in OpenSSL's cryptographic software that makes SSL/TLS encryption backfire on computer users. The "https" protocol that is supposed to identify a secure website is actually a signal to hackers that the site is vulnerable to cyber attack. The hackers can then trick a computer's server into sending data stored in its memory.Google security researcher Neel Mehta was the first to discover Heartbleed, and the weakness was confirmed by internet security firm Codenomicon. Alarmingly, researchers found that the Heartbleed flaw has been in OpenSSL for two years. It is unknown if attacks have been carried out, because exploiting the software loophole leaves no trace.In addition to exposing users' passwords, personal files, and credit card information, hackers can also steal encryption keys-- the code that translates computer-generated nonsense into usable information."It may even be able to use the secret key to impersonate the server, tricking users into divulging their password and other sensitive information," Vox Media wrote.Codenomicon states that because of the wide-spread use of OpenSSL and the untraceability of Heartbleed, consider your accounts compromised."You are likely to be affected either directly or indirectly," their website, states. "OpenSSL is the most popular open source cryptographic library and TLS (transport layer security) implementation used to encrypt traffic on the Internet. Your popular social site, your company's site, commercial site, hobby site, sites you install software from or even sites run by your government might be using vulnerable OpenSSL."To end Heartbleed's hold on the server, vendors and service providers must adopt the Fixed OpenSSL, which was released Monday."Operating system vendors and distribution, appliance vendors, independent software vendors have to adopt the fix and notify their users," Codenomicon instructs. "Service providers and users have to install the fix as it becomes available for the operating systems, networked appliances and software they use."Changing your passwords before the server has adopted Fixed OpenSSL is useless. As of today, most of the major websites, including Yahoo, Google, and Facebook, have fixed the problem. To check if a website has installed the updated OpenSSL software, visit,,...................................................................................................................................................................................................................Yahoo Among Millions of Websites Vulnerable to 'Heartbleed' OpenSSL Security BugA new security bug has been found in OpenSSL, the cryptographic library that secures most of the internet's websites, and Yahoo is one of the of the most well-known domains known to have been compromised.Security researchers are very concerned as the bug - dubbed Heartbleed - has been around for two years and affects encryption of data sent over the internet, meaning users' passwords and other sensitive data are open to being spied on.Other websites featured on the top 1,000 websites list compiled by Mustafa Al-Bassam (a former member of the LulzSec hacker collective who is now a computer science student) include popular websites like Imgur, Flickr, OKCupid, WeTransfer, Eventbrite,, Outbrain, Stackexchange and Kickass Torrents.It will be difficult to discover if or when you have been compromised as attackers are able to exploit the flaw without leaving any trace of their presence.    What is OpenSSL?    OpenSSL is the software library used in servers, operating systems, email and instant messaging systems to protect internet traffic as it travels back and forth. More than 53% of the web servers which host more than 500 million websites use the software which relies on OpenSSL    (Source: NetCraft)DiscoveredThe bug was first brought to light by security firm Codenomicon, who attempted to attack their own servers:"We have tested some of our own services from attacker's perspective. We attacked ourselves from outside, without leaving a trace. Without using any privileged information or credentials we were able steal from ourselves the secret keys used for our X.509 certificates, user names and passwords, instant messages, emails and business critical documents and communication," they wrote on an in-depth information page.Codenomicon adds that anyone on the internet exploiting the flaw will be able to read the memory of a machine that's protected by a vulnerable version of the OpenSSL library.Security researcher Filippo Valsorda has developed an online test that allows anyone to find out whether a server is vulnerable to being attacked, simply by entering the server's hostname.Not an TLS/SSL flawA new version of OpenSSL, version 1.0.1g is now available to download to patch the flaw, which was caused by an implementation problem in the OpenSSL cryptography library, not a design flaw in SSL/TLS - the protocols used to provide secure communication online."There is no flaw in the TLS protocol or the way it is designed, it's simply an implementation bug that has a catastrophic failure mode. The error is the code equivalent of a typo. But some typos are worse than others," explains Paco Hope, Principal Consultant, at Cigital, a consulting firm which helps organisations to develop secure software."The vulnerabilities in the software you use matter just as much as vulnerabilities in code you write. Finding and fixing such bugs requires applying security throughout the software lifecycle and on all the relevant code, not exclusively at the end and not just exclusively on code you write. And if you acquire software from third parties, you care about what they integrate into the product as much as what they write for you."Fox IT has published a list of indicators that can help companies to identify if their servers may be vulnerable.According to Fox IT, attackers can retrieve the source code of the website, usernames and passwords, as well as private SSL keys.

Nikki Howard ● 3919d0 Comments ● 3919d

Volunteer Photographer Opportunity - Ealing Heritage Lottery Fund Projects

Time Lapse Photography VolunteerEaling Council is managing programmes of redevelopment and restoration in Walpole Park, PM Gallery & House, Gunnersbury Park and Gunnersbury Park Museum aided by Heritage Lottery Fund grants.We want to document the changes to the four sites throughout the projects by taking regular, seasonal photographs of key areas.The first site to undergo capital works will be Walpole Park. Close to the centre of the borough in Ealing itself, this park was formerly the historic garden of Pitzhanger Manor, the country home of John Soane, the late 18th century architect who designed the Bank of England and other famous London landmarks. Soane’s townhouse in Lincoln’s Inn Fields is now an important London museum and houses his eclectic and influential collection of artwork and other cultural artefacts, including paintings by Hogarth.Role DescriptionPurpose of RoleVolunteers will take photographs of key areas of the four Heritage Lottery Funded sites as works progress.Range of key tasks and opportunities1. Take high quality photographs according to exact specifications2. Document changes to sites as seasons change and capital works progress3. Link photographs to historic views of the sites, contributing to the legacy of the projects and heritage of the sitesRequirementsVolunteers should have good interpersonal skills and be confident to talk informally to members of the public about the activities they are involved in and how they contribute to the developments of the sites.The ability to take clear, high quality photographs is necessary and photographic training is preferred.Camera can be provided but volunteers with their own equipment would be welcome!CommitmentWe would be aiming to photograph the sites on a monthly basis, therefore volunteers would need to be available once a month for half a day in the first instance. More time may be required as the projects develop.For more information or to apply please contact Ellie Lewis-Nunes, Outreach Officer or 020 8825 6787

Ellie Lewis-Nunes ● 4201d1 Comments ● 4128d

Your help needed please

As many of you have probably read the Remploy factory in North Acton closed last summer. I am currently working on a project to find mentors/Befrienders for staff who were made redundant.Remploy was established in 1945 under the terms of the Disabled Persons (Employment) Act 1944 and opened its first factory in Bridgend in 1946. Its mission is to transform the lives of disabled people and those who experience complex barriers to work by providing sustainable employment opportunities, either within their own factories or by helping individuals into work with external organisations. Following a review, a number of factories across the UK have been closed and the staff made redundant, including one in your area.Mentoring for Success offers individuals the opportunity to do something practical for the former Remploy staff members whilst receiving training and learning a new skill themselves. This voluntary role is for just 1-2 hours a week over a period of 6-18 months. Each mentee will have different requirements of the relationship and this may include the mentor providing support and guidance in finding another job or just being somebody independent to talk to over a cup of coffee. We’re looking for volunteers who are understanding, patient, empathetic and good at listening. Their support and guidance will make a real difference to people who find themselves at a time of transition or change when they need assistance overcoming challenges, and will help improve their confidence, motivation, self-esteem, and life skills. Full training is of course provided and you will be given support from a Regional Co-ordinator throughout the length of the relationship. Out of pocket expenses will also be contributed to. All applicants should go to the Equal Approach website where they will find further information and an online application form.If you work for a company who may be interested in working on the project as part of their CSR commitments or would just like to put up a poster advertising the project in your place of work or club please contact me.

Gary Draycott ● 4250d0 Comments ● 4250d

Re Mentoring/Befrienders for former Remploy staff

May I take this opportunity to introduce myself. I am a Regional Attraction Specialist for Equal Approach.Currently Equal Approach are working on a project with the Mentoring and Befriending Foundation and Remploy called Mentoring for Success. The sole purpose of this programme is to find Mentors/Befrienders for ex-Remploy staff who have recently been made redundant. Remploy’s mission is to transform the lives of disabled people and those who experience complex barriers to work by providing sustainable employment opportunities, either within their own factories or by helping individuals into work with outside organisations. It was established in 1945 under the terms of the Disabled Persons (Employment) Act 1944, and opened its first factory in Bridgend, Wales, in 1946.Following a review, a number of factories across the country have been closed and the staff made redundant, including the factory in North Acton. Due to the barriers to work faced by Remploy employees not only did they reside locally in the London Borough of Ealing but many of them commuted from other boroughs including Brent, Harrow, Hounslow, Westminster and Wandsworth.Across the country Mentoring for Success is currently of the biggest volunteer programmes in operation and it offers individuals the opportunity to do something practical for the former Remploy staff members whilst receiving training and learning a new skill.This voluntary role is for 1-2 hours a week over a period of 6-18 months. Each mentee will have different things they want to get out of the relationship and this may include the mentor providing support and guidance in finding another job or just being somebody independent to talk to. Full training will of course be provided and ongoing support from a Regional Co-ordinator through the length of the relationship. Expenses will also be contributed to.Please visit for further information.

Gary Draycott ● 4276d0 Comments ● 4276d


... TO BEAT BLOOD CANCER On 1 April 2010, my son Jake was diagnosed with leukaemia. He was 20 years old. And suddenly the world went very dark indeed.    Even though he’s now in remission, 30,000 people every year in the UK get the same heart-stopping news. And go to that same dark place. That’s one person every 17 minutes. And I simply can’t just stand by and let that happen without trying to do something about it.  For the last two years, I’ve ridden the 52-mile London Bikeathon to raise as much money as possible for Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research. In that time, some amazingly generous people have helped me raise more than £4,500.  But knowing the nightmare that engulfed my boy for so long – and the dreadful pain he endured while he fought both the illness and the effects of the treatment – means that I can do nothing less than continue to ride against this truly awful disease.And this year I’m going the extra mile – well an extra 23 miles actually – by taking on the 75-mile Box Hill Endurance challenge. It takes place on 16 September and includes part of the Olympic cycling route. And Box Hill. A walk in the park it ain’t…These are difficult and uncertain times, but if any of you can donate even just a few pounds by going to I’d be very grateful. OR DONATE BY TEXT It's really easy to donate by text too. And it's free! Just use the code JMGH55 and add the amount, then text to 70070 Please help us fight back. Help us beat this insidious, brutal and heart-breaking disease. Thank you so much And please forward this email to anyone you think might want to help. The more people who know about it, the better!Paul Higham(Goldsmith Avenue, Acton)

Paul Higham ● 4538d0 Comments ● 4538d

QPR signed shirt auction for charity

Hello allA friend of mine in Lowerstoft is a trustee of a charity that provides holiday accomodation for ex-service men and women.The charity is the Lord Kitchener Memorial Holiday Centre: provides holiday accommodation at a subsidised rate for ex-members of the British and Commonwealth armed forces and the merchant service (only), from April to October each year.They are currently patronless (Lord Kitchener, the 3rd Earl, died late last year) but we are supported financially by the ABF (was the Army Benevolent Fund), the RAF Benevolent Fund and Seafarer's UK. However they are all finding that in the current climate the level of support they can give is diminishing.So, they wrote to all of the Premiership clubs and asked if they could have something to sell to raise funds.  QPR kindly responded with a shirt signed by the first team, and my friend has sent it to me because there are more QPR fans in Chiswick, Hammersmith and The Bush than in Lowerstoft.I am the owner of the antiquarian bookshop at 183 Chiswick High Road, and the shirt can be viewed there (along with a letter from QPR).  I will also post a photo of it to my Twitter account @fostersbookshop I propose to run the auction up until 9pm Monday evening.  Email your bids to the shop at or drop a bid into the shop.  The winning bidder can make payment direct to the charity by cheque, or I will happily take a credit / debit card payment in the shop.  I will also post the shirt to the winning bidder if they are outside of the area.Many thanks in advance for your generosity.Stephen Foster

Stephen Foster ● 4617d3 Comments ● 4554d

Ball/street hockey (children and adult beginners programme)

West London Ball Hockey Club presents this exiting new sport to the local community of Ealing.  "something different"  "Important:  We play with trainers not roller blades"We have just moved into this new facility  "Elthorne Sports Centre. Westlea Road, off Boston Road, Hanwell W7 2AD".This sport is hugely famous in Canada, Czech and Slovak. Our Values are; Respect, Sportsmanship, Considering others, Affordable, Family friendly, Fun.  These values resonate in our both, children's and adult beginners programmes.We are affiliated with UK Dek (Ball) hockey association. & International street/ball hockey association. "One of our Aim is to Celebrates multiculturalism by introducing children (boys/girls age 5-14 year) and adults (male/female) to this fast & active sport which is good for fitness and health.Our Children programme costs £16 per-child for the whole term(9weeks)or £3 per-session.  New term starts on the 21st of April 2012 from 09:45am - 10:45am, Saturday mornings. Equipment provided.  Coaching followed by a game. End of term prizes awarded.Our adult 14years+ beginners programme is for male & female.  It costs £5 per-person and £3 for students and unemployed.  We play every second Monday 08:00pm-9:30pm.  Equipment provided. Coaching followed by a game.To learn more about our aims, prizes for the children, and how do we ensure safe and fun environment for children and adults.Please contact: Nicky Rae on 07906 638 612 (for children's programme), OREmail: for further details (you can also request e-brochure).Website:

Waseem Nayyer ● 4601d0 Comments ● 4601d

Live marriage debate in Chiswick in one week...

On Monday 30th April 2012 at Gunnersbury Baptist Church in Chiswick, there will be an exciting and relevant, free public debate on the subject of the Governments recent proposals to redefine marriage to incorporate same-sex couples.Two top-class speakers with differing opinions will discuss this very important topic.1) Adrian Trett is Chair of the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) + Liberal Democrats since the Coalition Government was formed, and the author of the original motion on Equal Marriage in the UK for Liberal Democrat Conference in 2010. His campaigning group has been working with our Liberal Democrat Ministers, in particular Lynne Featherstone MP to enable this issue to be brought on to the Government's agenda, now with the public consultation and hopefully for legislation to be passed by 2015 to enable equal marriage in the UK.2) Rev. David Robertson is the Pastor of St. Peters Free Church in Dundee. He is the Author of 'The Dawkins Letters' and regular conference speaker and debater for the Evangelical Christian Church. There will be a chance, during this debate for questions from the audience.Doors will open at 7.00 pm for a 7.30 pm start. Entrance to this debate is absolutely free although early arrival is recommended.Watch out for the formal publicity - fliers and posters!I hope you will support this important event,Many thanks,Laurence TruettDebate Coordinator

Laurence Truett ● 4636d6 Comments ● 4615d

Ball/street hockey (children and adult beginners programme)

West London Ball Hockey Club presents this exiting new sport to the local community of Ealing.  "something different"  "Important:  We play with trainers not roller blades"We have just moved into this new facility  "Elthorne Sports Centre. Westlea Road, off Boston Road, Hanwell W7 2AD".This sport is hugely famous in Canada, Czech and Slovak. Our Values are; Respect, Sportsmanship, Considering others, Affordable, Family friendly, Fun.  These values resonate in our both, children's and adult beginners programmes.We are affiliated with UK Dek (Ball) hockey association. & International street/ball hockey association. "One of our Aim is to Celebrates multiculturalism by introducing children (boys/girls age 5-14 year) and adults (male/female) to this fast & active sport which is good for fitness and health.Our Children programme costs £16 per-child for the whole term(9weeks)or £3 per-session.  New term starts on the 21st of April 2012 from 09:45am - 10:45am, Saturday mornings. Equipment provided.  Coaching followed by a game. End of term prizes awarded.Our adult 14years+ beginners programme is for male & female.  It costs £5 per-person and £3 for students and unemployed.  We play every second Monday 08:00pm-9:30pm.  Equipment provided. Coaching followed by a game.To learn more about our aims, prizes for the children, and how do we ensure safe and fun environment for children and adults.Please contact: Nicky Rae on 07906 638 612 (for children's programme), OREmail: for further details (you can also request e-brochure).Website:

Waseem Nayyer ● 4615d0 Comments ● 4615d

cobbold road / wendell park / sewers / murder / school!!!

Hi friends!I'm new to the forum...My husband and I (and two young kids) currently live in North London, but really want to move to W12 for work reasons (and because we love the Sherpherd's Bush vibe).I'm sorry if this isn't what the forum is for, but...we've found a house we really like in W12 (on a street called Cobbold Rd, near Chiswick) but have got 'spooked' by a few issues.  We were hoping that some of the members of this forum (locals who know the area better than us!) could help us to confirm/relieve our fears, before we take that scary step in making a offer (of bloody loads of our money!).  3 potential things we are worried about!!!1. The 'supersewer'.  Does anyone know much about this?  Apparently it's a new sewer system, which London needs, and is going to be bigger than the Channel Tunnel!  And apparently the Thames Water have changed their mind recently to make the main receiving point of the tunnel right on the bloody end of Cobbold Road! obviously worries me - presumably it'll smell and cause disruption while being built? (Channel Tunnel did!).2. This one might not be so bad, and maybe i'm being a worried mother, but we read about a murder on Askew Rd last year, which is the road beside Cobbold Rd.  People on this forum talking about crack dens and gang wars, and slightly worried for my kids - has it got better recently?3. Wendell Park School seems like a nice school, but I noticed exam results are getting worse and worse the last 4 years: it's now basically the worst primary school in Hammersmith & Fulham on the bbc league tables: anyone know why that is (e.g. is the headteacher changing?) and is it likely to get better?  We don't want to pay for private school for our kids, especially for primary school!Sorry, I hope I don't seem like a total worry, but making offers for houses makes me nervous!  Any comments on any of it would be much appreciated!S

Scarlett Banks ● 4667d9 Comments ● 4617d

young honeys salon launch/ marie curie cancer care charity event

Young Honeys Family hair and beauty salon is a new concept in hairdressing, we have opened up a new salon at 151 Goldhawk road, Shepherds Bush London W12. We at Young Honeys contribute 15% of our taking to Marie Curie Cancer Care a charity we sponsor and raise funds for terminally ill cancer patients. The salon has been started by a local hammersmith and fulham (shepherds bush) resident who has seen a gap in the hair and beauty market, the salon promotes a family experience it is a one stop shop for all the family. We have a barber, 2 stylists and a beauty room. To launch our new salon on Saturday 28th April 2012 we are doing a charity event in the salon and would like you to come down and document the event. Skin care regimes, hair styles, beauty treatment demonstrations, nail art, threading and products will be hugely discounted on the day. Clients on the day will be asked to make a contribution for the mini treatments. Cupcakes, natural juices, nibbles and face painting will be sold as well on the day complimentary wine and a grand raffle at the end hosted by a local well known recording artist Princess Nyah who shot to fame with her funky house track "Frontline". Princess Nyah is also a local business woman with her main office in Shepherds Bush so she is supporting a fellow business (google princess nyah). I have been given vouchers from nandos in shepherds bush to be raffled in aid of the charity and vouchers and samples from other local businesses in the area.This event is this Saturday 28th April 2012 between 1pm and 7pm For more information please contact us on or call us on 07535705095 our website address is

kay davis ● 4632d0 Comments ● 4632d

Live Kidney Donation - Please help increase awareness to save my mum and patients like her :)

Hello everyone,My mother has recently been diagnosed with end stage renal failure and is in need for a transplant. Last night I made a facebook page to try and increase awareness of live kidney donation in the hope of finding my mum a donor. I realise this is quite an unconventional approach but I have been overwhelmed by the response from my friends offering to be considered as donors and helping spread the word.I am not a regular user of Twitter but made an account today to try and spread the message even further than my Facebook network. As you can appreciate I will do anything to try and save my mum. So, I thought I would post the link on here too. We have lived in West London for about 30 years and mums renal team are based at Hammersmith Hospital. I was hoping that perhaps some of you might be willing to help increase awareness of live kidney donation by posting the FB page I have created for my mum on your own walls and Twitters (link below) or anywhere you can think of, in the hope of finding a donor for my mum and for patients like her. I think this is so important as not many people actually know they could be considered as donors and if they did, perhaps we could reduce the suffering people experience waiting for years on dialysis and save more lives. People don't realise that living with one kidney does not mean that life will be any different to what it would be with two.The link below takes you to the page I created if you are interested in helping out and I am contactable on you so much for taking time to read this.Natalia

Delilah Natalia ● 4639d0 Comments ● 4639d

Ball/street hockey (children and adult beginners programme)

West London Ball Hockey Club presents this exiting new sport to the local community of Ealing.  "something different"  "Important:  We play with trainers not roller blades"We have just moved into this new facility  "Elthorne Sports Centre. Westlea Road, off Boston Road, Hanwell W7 2AD".This sport is hugely famous in Canada, Czech and Slovak. Our Values are; Respect, Sportsmanship, Considering others, Affordable, Family friendly, Fun.  These values resonate in our both, children's and adult beginners programmes.We are affiliated with UK Dek (Ball) hockey association. & International street/ball hockey association. "One of our Aim is to Celebrates multiculturalism by introducing children (boys/girls age 5-14 year) and adults (male/female) to this fast & active sport which is good for fitness and health.Our Children programme costs £16 per-child for the whole term(9weeks)or £3 per-session.  New term starts on the 21st of April 2012 from 09:45am - 10:45am, Saturday mornings. Equipment provided.  Coaching followed by a game. End of term prizes awarded.Our adult beginners programme is for male & female.  It costs £5 per-person and £3 for students and unemployed.  We play every second Monday.  Next session is on Monday the 16th of April 08:30pm-10pm.  From May its going to be 8pm-9:30pm. Equipment provided. Coaching followed by a game.To learn more about our aims, prizes for the children, and how do we ensure safe and fun environment for children and adults.Please contact: Nicky Rae on 07906 638 612 (for children's programme), OREmail: for further details (you can also request e-brochure).Website:

waseem nayyer ● 4644d0 Comments ● 4644d

cobbold road / wendell park / sewers / murder / school!!!

Hi friends!I'm new to the forum...My husband and I (and two young kids) currently live in North London, but really want to move to W12 for work reasons (and because we love the Sherpherd's Bush vibe).I'm sorry if this isn't what the forum is for, but...we've found a house we really like in W12 (on a street called Cobbold Rd, near Chiswick) but have got 'spooked' by a few issues.  We were hoping that some of the members of this forum (locals who know the area better than us!) could help us to confirm/relieve our fears, before we take that scary step in making a offer (of bloody loads of our money!).  3 potential things we are worried about!!!1. The 'supersewer'.  Does anyone know much about this?  Apparently it's a new sewer system, which London needs, and is going to be bigger than the Channel Tunnel!  And apparently the Thames Water have changed their mind recently to make the main receiving point of the tunnel right on the bloody end of Cobbold Road! obviously worries me - presumably it'll smell and cause disruption while being built? (Channel Tunnel did!).2. This one might not be so bad, and maybe i'm being a worried mother, but we read about a murder on Askew Rd last year, which is the road beside Cobbold Rd.  People on this forum talking about crack dens and gang wars, and slightly worried for my kids - has it got better recently?3. Wendell Park School seems like a nice school, but I noticed exam results are getting worse and worse the last 4 years: it's now basically the worst primary school in Hammersmith & Fulham on the bbc league tables: anyone know why that is (e.g. is the headteacher changing?) and is it likely to get better?  We don't want to pay for private school for our kids, especially for primary school!Sorry, I hope I don't seem like a total worry, but making offers for houses makes me nervous!  Any comments on any of it would be much appreciated!S

Scarlett Banks ● 4667d0 Comments ● 4667d - recommendation

As a parent in the area I wanted to recommend a local school that my children go to - OneWorld Prep School in Acton - because it is quite new and not many people seem to have heard of it so trying to tell parents in the area about the school and get it known a bit more. It is a really sweet, lovely school and very worth prospective parents considering.They have spaces in all years - Reception to Year 6 - and the owner Nicola gives individual tours so you don't have to wait for open days. It is a fee paying school (but they take vouchers as payment which helps and and as I was paying for extended day provision at Nursery anyway, it hasn't really seemed too much of a difference. The HeadMistress Melanie Hayes has a really kind manner with the kids and is totally not stuffy-prep school style.It has small classes, is very friendly and is REALLY working-parent friendly both before and after school day. My children started in Sept in Reception and settled in so easily. They are happy to go to school every day and making fantastic progress with all their learning. All the parents in reception say the same thing.  Weekly ballet and swimming is included and this term children went to Wetlands and the panto at the Lyric. The school is on Stanley Gardens - off Uxbridge Road opposite Acton Park. They operate a supervised bus service for children of all ages between the school and Brook Green (they run a very successful nursery school in the Chinese Community centre). would be really happy to give more feedback on the school if anyone wants it and couldn't be happier with my choice.

alix gallagher ● 4775d0 Comments ● 4775d

Shepherd's Bush Now a 'NoGo' Area - the destination for well-heeled LondonersJoshi Herrmann26 Sep 2011 First we had SwoHo, the hip corner of South-West Soho, and then NoHo (or Fitzrovia, to those residents resisting its new title) - so what to make of NoGo, the new acronym being uttered in dinner-party circles to describe the area north of Goldhawk Road in Shepherd's Bush?"The demographic has changed here," says Michael Connaughton of Winkworth estate agents, who sells properties in the area. "It's become a destination rather than a poor sister to Notting Hill and Holland Park."The area in question is a rectangle between the Westway and Goldhawk Road, tucked between Westfield and the BBC in the east and reaching to Askew Road and Old Oak Road to the west. Confusingly, NoGo was very much "no go" for well-heeled Londoners until relatively recently."The West Cross Route used to be one of the most dramatic boundaries in London," says a resident who has been there for 14 years. Now he says much of it is "frontier country for the middle classes", with young wealth spilling over from Chiswick, Holland Park and Notting Hill and taking advantage of the transport upgrade that came with Westfield's arrival.Connaughton says he has helped film stars and politicians find nests in the area while the award-winning Princess Victoria gastropub is a sign of NoGo's ascent. If the fashion for carving up the capital with acronyms is about defining local distinctiveness in areas that have witnessed change, then the increasingly gentrified denizens of this stretch of Shepherd's Bush will happily add their neighbourhood to the list. They might not warm to the name, but NoGo is a must-go at last.

Marlene Plimley ● 4835d3 Comments ● 4834d

Welcome to the Premiership #QPR

I didn't see the match yesterday at Craven Cottage but as at Loftus Road the weekend before and there were signs that this was coming. QPR were ultimately second best against Villa a team destined to be mid-table who were missing their two main strikers. The players we were told were going to set the premiership alight - Faurlin and Taraabt looked ineffectual and others like Derry looked very short of pace and quality particularly up against the imperious Bannan who will be snapped up by one of the big clubs in January.Neil Warnock hasn't dealt well in the transfer market in my view. With the exception of Luke Young he has brought in players that weren't making the grade at their clubs or are more trouble than they are worth.QPR are probably lucky that there are a number of teams that are expecting to be in the Championship next season and a few others that are certain to be there whether they like it or not. Blackburn look dead and buried already and watching Bolton yesterday gave little cause for hope - when your fans are not happy that you have taken David Ngog off you are really in trouble. Swansea will struggle and Norwich's bubble will burst soon so there are enough poor and mediocre teams to keep them up this season.Longer term Tony Fernandes faces the inevitable question of why he should bother funding a team which will have consistent deficits due to its small ground capacity - which eye-watering ticket prices can only do so much to compensate for.

Andy Jones ● 4839d0 Comments ● 4839d

QPR could lose star player.

Paris St Germain are determined to lure Moroccan footballing genius Adel Taarabt away from QPR. After splashing the cash on French starlets Nicholas Douche and Pierre Putain, the French club PSG see the unpredictable Taarabt as the final piece in their attacking jigsaw. With Brazilian Leonardo having taken up his position as sporting director at the Parc des Princes, PSG have had a bid of £12 million for Taarabt accepted by QPR owner Bernie Ecclestone.Two of Adel Taarabt's agents have flown from Fez to Paris to negotiate personal terms for the 22 year old midfielder.But the French Ligue 1 team seem to have a serious rival for Taarabt's affections, with rumours circulating that Italian giants AC Milan are also courting the mercurial Moroccan. AC Milan, whose President Silvio Berlusconi is a friend of QPR's Director of Football Flavio Briatore, have tabled a deal to secure Taarabt's services with the option to loan him back to QPR for the coming season. "This would give Adel the chance to prove himself in the Premier League and gain valuable experience before joining AC Milan permanently" said Berlusconi.The newly married QPR ace has tweeted that he is tempted by the Milan connection but has declared his love for London and is happily settled in Shepherd's Bush. Adel Taarabt, who is still on holiday in Marseilles, has asked to be excused from the gruelling pre-season training regime with QPR in an attempt to 'sort out his future'. But as Harry Redknapp, who has a 30% sell on clause on the sale of Taarabt, has stated "It's not over till the fat lady sings." Now Taarabt has told followers on Twitter that he is involved in 'intense negotiations' with Arsene Wenger to replace Barcelona bound Cesc Fabregas as Arsenal skipper.Long suffering QPR manager Neil Warnock is resigned to losing the brilliant but temperamental talisman:"We don't know which lucky club Adel is going to choose" said a stoical Warnock "but we are sure he will be back here in January when they find out what he is really like."

bobby osborne ● 4920d1 Comments ● 4917d

Calling All Volunteers! The Orangery, Gunnersbury Park this Saturday 12noon-4pm

ORANGE ROCKCORPS: Gunnersbury Park Project Saturday 25th June 2011, 12 noon – 4pmGunnersbury Park, The Orangery, W5 4NECalling All Volunteers!Gunnersbury Park is a beautiful 75 hectare (186 acres) landscape of exceptional mature trees, open grass spaces and historic buildingsregistered as Grade 2* by English Heritage with 21 separately listed buildings.Orange and RockCorps have come together to help you to give something back to the community. Take part in Orange RockCorps and help transform the Orangery in Gunnersbury Park. Big old buildings don't come better than this!If you are free on Saturday 25th June 2011 between 12 noon - 4pm and would like to help the Orange RockCorps team to renovate the Orangery by painting, washing, scrubbing, varnishing and just generally having a jolly good old time, then all you need to do is register as a volunteer online at: or call 0800 954 7625.  After you give your 4 hours, you'll get given 1 ticket to see some great musical artists.RockCorps is a pro-social production company. RockCorps uses music to inspire people to volunteer and get involved in their community. To date, over 45,000 volunteers have attended more than 20 amazing live music events. This is an opportunity not to be missed out on!!  This park exudes history, beauty and culture and this project will see the transformation of a currently disused building into a beautiful space. We guarantee you won't be disappointed. So come down and join the Orange RockCorps team as we take a step back in time! Note:• Registering online is essential: Only confirmed volunteers get all the details and a reserved place on the project.• You must be at least 16 years of age to participate in an Orange RockCorps project.

Rishi Joshi ● 4943d0 Comments ● 4943d

Find out about fostering -  at Acton market - Fri 20 May

Ealing Council will be at Acton market, tomorrow Friday 20 May, from approx 10am,   appealing to local people to help change the life of an Ealing child and consider fostering. Ealing has approximately 400 looked-after children and young people and there continues to be a great demand for people who can provide caring homes for the borough’s most vulnerable residents.  The council needs carers from all communities, but has a particular shortage of people who are from a White UK background. They would also like to hear from those who can foster children with disabilities or special needs or provide them with short breaks. There is also a  need for carers from all backgrounds who can look after older children, sibling groups and young mothers with babies. Carers receive dedicated support from the council including mentoring, access to a wide range of training including NVQ qualifications and generous allowance to help meet the needs of those in their care.  If you cant get to Acton market and want to find out more - there will be a chance to chat informally with Council staff and meet some Ealing foster carers at a special drop-in session at Northolt Leisure Centre on Wednesday 25 May from 3-6pm.The council also holds monthly information sessions for people who want to find out more about fostering and adoption. The next one will be held at Ealing Town Hall on Monday 6 June from 7.30- 9.30pm. Further information is available at or by calling 0800 731 6550.

alison blake ● 4975d0 Comments ● 4975d

New book launch: Who was Jack the Stripper?

My second True Crime Story: Who was Jack the Stripper? will be launched at Abertillery Library sometime in March/April 2011. The book launch will coincide with a 1 hour drama/documentary to be aired throughout Britain and Europe focusing on Harold Jones, the killer of 2 school children in Abertillery, South Wales in 1921. (Google Harold Jones - The Welsh Killer, or Neil Milkins, or Jack the Stripper.)The documentary will be presented by television presenter and Kray Twins biographer Fred Dineage MBE and top British criminologist and criminal profiler Professor David Wilson. Jones was 15 when he murdered 8 year-old Freda Elsie Maud Burnell and 11 year-old Florence Irene Little in 1921. Jones was released from prison in 1941 having served 20 years for his crimes and owing to the turmoil of World War 11 he went off the police radar. During the times of the unsolved murders of 8 women in the Hammersmith district of London between 1959 and 1965, Jones lived in the Hammersmith district using various aliases. (He lived in Fulham, Putney and Hammersmith between 1947 and 1971 when he died.) Who was Jack the Stripper? examines the amazing links between Jones and the murdered women!Professor Bernard Knight who recovered and conducted the post mortems on all of Fred and Rosemary West's murder victims and "Taggart" creator Glenn Chandler have both read the manuscript for Who was Jack the Stripper? and have made positive comments on the amazing and startling coincidences linking Jones to the Hammersmith murders.Who was Jack the Stripper? is a follow up to Neil Milkins' top selling 2008 book: Every Mother's Nightmare - Abertillery in Mourning, which dealt in depth with the Harold Jones murders of Freda Burnell and Florence Little.Who was Jack the Stripper? will be distributed by:Neil Milkins, Rose Heyworth Press, 67 Arael View, Abertillery, Gwent NP13 1SU. Tel: 01495213744. n.milkin@sky.comemails and feedback welcomed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Forum Home

neil milkins ● 5098d0 Comments ● 5098d

Earn a COMPLIMENTARY ticket to QPR vs Cardiff by volunteering in the community

Football Clear-Up has teamed up with QPR in the Community Trust give Hoops fans the chance to take part in their first ever ‘Football Clear-Up’.The community based event offers football fans the opportunity to represent their club in a two hour ‘Clear-Up’ to earn a free ticket for them and a Junior Super Hoop to the afternoons’ match.  The full details of the ‘Clear-Up’ will be released next week.To take part in Football Clear-Up and earn a free ticket, fans eighteen years and over, need to register at WWW.FOOTBALLCLEARUP.COM to enter the draw. Thirty lucky R’s fans will be selected to take part in the ‘Clear-Up’ and will receive a free ticket to the game in the afternoon vs. Cardiff City. As well as a free adult ticket, they will also receive one junior complimentary ticket to the big Super Hoops game against Cardiff later on that day.QPR FC Manager Neil Warnock said, "QPR Football Club is delighted with this scheme, which will further assist our work in the community. Those taking part in Football Clear-Up will be rewarded for their hard work and commitment to the community, and I hope that the boys will put in a performance to make them proud”Andrew Bell, Managing Director of Football Clear-Up said, “We are pleased to be holding QPR Community Trust’s first ever Football Clear-Up.  The support we have had from them has been fantastic. In the current financial climate watching live football for a family can be expensive, we are hoping to give football fans and their families an alternative way to get to the game”QPR Community Trust CEO Andy Evans said, "For the last 16 years QPR Community Trust has aimed to use the power of the football club to forge stronger & deeper connections with its community.  We believe that Football Clear-Up can further enhance these links and gives fans the chance to represent their club and get something back in return.”

Andrew Bell ● 5159d0 Comments ● 5159d