New book launch: Who was Jack the Stripper?
My second True Crime Story: Who was Jack the Stripper? will be launched at Abertillery Library sometime in March/April 2011. The book launch will coincide with a 1 hour drama/documentary to be aired throughout Britain and Europe focusing on Harold Jones, the killer of 2 school children in Abertillery, South Wales in 1921. (Google Harold Jones - The Welsh Killer, or Neil Milkins, or Jack the Stripper.)The documentary will be presented by television presenter and Kray Twins biographer Fred Dineage MBE and top British criminologist and criminal profiler Professor David Wilson. Jones was 15 when he murdered 8 year-old Freda Elsie Maud Burnell and 11 year-old Florence Irene Little in 1921. Jones was released from prison in 1941 having served 20 years for his crimes and owing to the turmoil of World War 11 he went off the police radar. During the times of the unsolved murders of 8 women in the Hammersmith district of London between 1959 and 1965, Jones lived in the Hammersmith district using various aliases. (He lived in Fulham, Putney and Hammersmith between 1947 and 1971 when he died.) Who was Jack the Stripper? examines the amazing links between Jones and the murdered women!Professor Bernard Knight who recovered and conducted the post mortems on all of Fred and Rosemary West's murder victims and "Taggart" creator Glenn Chandler have both read the manuscript for Who was Jack the Stripper? and have made positive comments on the amazing and startling coincidences linking Jones to the Hammersmith murders.Who was Jack the Stripper? is a follow up to Neil Milkins' top selling 2008 book: Every Mother's Nightmare - Abertillery in Mourning, which dealt in depth with the Harold Jones murders of Freda Burnell and Florence Little.Who was Jack the Stripper? will be distributed by:Neil Milkins, Rose Heyworth Press, 67 Arael View, Abertillery, Gwent NP13 1SU. Tel: 01495213744. n.milkin@sky.comemails and feedback welcomed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Forum Home
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