Former Coldstream Guard, Michael Turner.
Does anyone have any information about Michael Turner. He lived with 1964 Chiswick murder victim Mary Fleming and had 2 children with her. He lived with Mary at Pembridge Gardens, Kensington in 1959. In April 1962 while living at Powis Gardens,Notting Hill they had a daughter Veronica Turner. In 1963 they had a son named David Turner. Mary and Michael parted and Mary and the 2 children moved to 25 Geraldine Road, Chiswick. They then moved to 44 Lancaster Gate, Notting Hill but Mary was found murdered at Berrymede Road,Acton Green,Chiswick on 14th July 1964.Mary's daughter Veronica would love to make contact with her father Michael Turner. Veronica who is a widow has 2 daughters in their twenties. They would love to make contact with their grandfather. If anyone can assist please email me at Regards. Neil Milkins.
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