Ealing Man Charged with Anti-Muslim Vandalism

Acton Mosque and Palestine Mission in Hammersmith daubed with red paint

The gates at Acton Mosque were vandalised last October
The gates at Acton Mosque were vandalised last October. Picture: Acton Mosque

May 17, 2024

The man suspected of a series of what police have described as anti-Muslim incidents across west London has been named as 61-year-old Jonathan Katan from Ealing.

He was arrested last November on suspicion of racially aggravated criminal damage in connection with the daubing of red paint on number of buildings including the Acton Mosque and the Palestinian Mission in Hammersmith.

A campaign of vandalism was waged between 16 October and 18 November. There was also damage to the PistaHoney patisserie and café by the junction with Grove Road in Acton. The Syrian-owned establishment was hit on Monday 23 October.

Three days later, on Thursday 26 October, red paint was daubed on the iron gate of Acton Central Mosque on Oldham Terrace. The same venue was attacked again in a similar manner on Saturday 4 and Monday 6 November. Similar attacks were also reported at another Mosque in the area, the Masjid Ezzeitouna in East Acton with the last incident taking place on 5 November between the two attacks at the Acton Central Mosque. An Imam at the Mosque has also had his car tyres slashed and car damaged.

Katan has now been charged with 11 related counts of racially aggravated criminal damage and one count of a racially aggravated section 5 Public Order Act offence and one count of racially aggravated section 4a Public Order Act offence.

He is due to appear at Uxbridge Magistrates' Court on Friday, 17 May.

Detective Superintendent Figo Forouzan, who leads the investigation, said, “These charges have come as a result of diligent police work by officers who have gathered evidence while providing support and reassurance to those affected."

Chief Superintendent Sean Wilson, in charge of policing in West Area which covers Hammersmith, said, “Officers have worked incredibly hard with the Crown Prosecution Service and communities in both boroughs of Ealing and Hammersmith and Fulham to get an arrest and a charge in this case.

"This demonstrates how seriously we take allegations of hate crime against any of our communities.

“While criminal proceedings are now active, I ask the community to refrain from speculating on this case, particularly on social media, to avoid any risk of prejudice.”


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