Packed Meeting On Hospitals

Organisers say campaign will go on

There was standing room only on Wednesday (26th March) in Ealing Town Hall, when more than 150 people jammed into a ‘Save Our NHS’ meeting to hear the outcome of an Inquiry into London’s NHS Services.

Ealing Labour Council Leader, Julian Bell, told the packed meeting that the Accident and Emergency departments at Ealing and Charing Cross Hospitals had not been saved, because existing plans meant they would not have either blue
light ambulances or senior medical staff available at most times if government plans for local Hospitals went ahead.

John Lister reported that the People’s Inquiry into London’s NHS found that the cuts to hospitals proposed for the next 6-7 years are simply unsustainable without serious damage to the quality and availability of NHS services.

Dr Louise Irvine, who was part of the successful campaign to save Lewisham Hospital, encouraged Ealing residents to throw their weight behind local campaigns to stop hospital cuts and privatisation.

The People’s Inquiry took evidence from across London, including from doctors, consultants, campaigners and politicians in North West London. The full report is now available from

Eve Turner, from Ealing TUC, who chaired the meeting, said:

''There was a great turn out because of the huge local support for our hospitals and NHS.
We’ll keep on going until local health services are saved. We just won’t


27th March 2014