Hammersmith Community Gardens Association Holds Annual General Meeting

Everyone is welcome at Askew Road Church on Wednesday

Hammersmith Community Gardens Association is holding its
Annual General Meeting and Stakeholder Review at Askew Road Church, in Bassein Park Rd on Wednesday 10 January.

The association says this will be an opportunity to meet staff and trustees and hear more about its current work programmes and feed in ideas and suggestions for future work. This will be followed by the AGM and Lunch.


11am Welcome

Minutes from the previous meeting

Financial Report

Amendments to the Constitution (subject to prior Charity commission approval)

Clause 3 (Objects) of the Memorandum of Association to substitute the words Greater London for the words “the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham” so that the clause would then read:

“The Objects of the Association shall be to promote the benefit of the inhabitants of Greater London (herein called “the Area of Benefit”) in particular and the public at large by:

(i) the advancement of education;

(ii) the provision of facilities in the interests of social welfare for recreation and leisure-time occupation with the Area of Benefit with the object of improving conditions of life; and

(iii) promoting the conservation protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment in the Area of Benefit.”
Review of the Years Activities

Lunch from 12.30pm

Everyone is welcome and if you would like to come please email bookings@hcga.org.uk to confirm your attendance.

January 8, 2018

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Hammersmith Community Gardens Association