Appeal Made Six Months on from Talgarth Road Death

Ina Rodrigues was struck by a moped while crossing near Gliddon Road

The two suspects walking along Edith Road. Picture: Met Police

July 26, 2024

Police have issued a renewed appeal six months on from the death of Ina Rodrigues in Hammersmith.

The 58-year-old mother was crossing the Talgarth Road at the junction with Gliddon Road shortly after 6pm on Tuesday 16 January when she was struck by a moped.

The moped did not stop at the scene and CCTV captured the rider and the passenger parking it on Edith Road at 6.09pm, placing a cover over it and then walking away. Footage has been released showing them walking along the road with their helmets removed.

Mrs Rodriques died in hospital five days later.

Her daughter said, “My mum was a beautiful, kind soul who loved life and all that it had to offer. She stayed grateful for all that she had and was looking forward to the future she had ahead.

“She was my last surviving parent and took on the role of mum and dad to give me and my younger sister everything she could and I was supposed to be able to give that back to her.

“She messaged us both at 6pm on Tuesday, 16 January saying she was on her way home from work. Eight minutes into her 10 minute walk to the train station she was hit by two individuals on a moped whilst crossing Talgarth Road, at the junction with Gliddon Road, just by Barons Court station.

“My mum’s life was so cruelly and unfairly taken away from me and my family. I now live everyday with anxiety and grief that I have no answers six months later as to who the individuals responsible are. My family and I need answers and as a community we need to take the two responsible, who clearly have no regard to human life, off the streets.

“When you go home today you deserve to see your loved ones, whether that’s your parents, grandparents, siblings, children, your friends or flatmates, all safe and well. I never thought anything like this would ever happen to someone I love and I would hate for this to happen to again to someone else.

“I am asking you from the bottom of my heart to please call in if you have any information, regardless how small it may seem. Specifically those from the west London area, please watch this CCTV footage and let the team know if you happen to have any information that could finally put a partial end to the pain my family and I have been experiencing every day for the past six months.”

Ina Rodrigues died five days after being hit at the crossing
Ina Rodrigues died five days after being hit at the crossing

Detective Sergeant Jim Hinchliffe, from the Met’s Serious Collision Investigation Unit, said, “Ina was a beloved sister, aunt, mother and friend and we are appealing for help in identifying the two people in the footage.

“So far our enquiries have been negative so we are appealing for the public’s assistance. Someone will know who these two individuals are. Please, if you know them or if that is you in the picture, do the right thing and contact us or Crimestoppers anonymously.

The two people police wish to identify. Picture: Met Police

“The two instantly fled the scene and left her in the middle of a busy road. She sustained horrific injuries and sadly died in hospital five days later. All she wanted to do was come home to us and she now doesn’t get the opportunity to do that."


Anyone who witnessed the collision or who has information that could identify the people on the moped is asked to call 101 (24 hours) or the Serious Collision Investigation Unit witness line on 020 8543 5157 – quoting 5566/16JAN.

You can also provide information anonymously to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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