Tree Trail Launched in Ravenscourt Park

Friends group select 25 trees of particular interest for you to view

This Caucasian Walnut (no 11 on the Trail) can be seen in C19 archive photographs

A new tree trial has been created by the Friends of Ravenscourt Park which people can follow virtually or by visiting the park.

There are over 600 documented trees in historic Ravenscourt Park: some ancient, some quite new; some rare, others more familiar.

25 of the most special have been selected by the group to be part of the circuit. The Park Friends say it wasn’t an easy task to pick which should be included or left out.

Each one has been photographed to help you identify it, and the Trail gives a brief description of the species and of the individual tree itself.

Thanks to sponsorship from local agents Horton and Garton, the Tree Trail can be downloaded and printed from the Friends’ website.

You are encouraged to view it now as the autumn leaves are falling and then revisit in Springtime.

The Friends’ Chair Annabelle May says,“We hope that it will prove to be a year-round resource for local schools, as well as fun for families and other visitors to follow.”

October 21, 2020