Deadline Looms for Environment Award Nominations

Hammersmith Society makes final call for local scheme suggestions

The Hoxton Hotel on Shepherd's Bush Green short-listed for the top Environment Award
The Hoxton Hotel on Shepherd's Bush Green previously won the top Environment Award

August 26, 2024

The Hammersmith Society is making a last call for residents to nominate local schemes for its Environment Awards before the closing date, Friday 30 August.

The society says the closing date and the Awards Ceremony were delayed this summer, principally due to the General Election.

The society says its awards scheme, which has been running every year since 1989, aim to recognise improvements in the borough’s townscape - whether a new building, an imaginative renovation or adaptation of an old building, the creation or improvement of a green open space, a well-designed streetscape, an improved shopfront, or the removal of an eyesore.

Nominations can be made by anyone either living or working in Hammersmith, which the society defines as the old Metropolitan Borough, the upper eight wards of the borough including Shepherd’s Bush.

The schemes, or building projects must have been completed within the last two to three years, and must be visible from the public highway or accessible to the public.

Nominations can be made in five categories, led by the main Environment Award itself, which is given each year to a development that the society feels best meets its ideals.

The other four categories are:

  • The Tom Ryland Award for Conservation. Formerly the simple Conservation Award’, this was renamed in 2019 in honour of the society’s past chairman.
  • Nancye Goulden Award for smaller schemes which have improved the local environment in some way – be it through a building or landscaping
  • Jane Mercer Award for initiatives of benefit to Hammersmith which have involved proactive co-operation, collaboration and communication.
  • The Wooden Spoon - the one nobody wants. This award is given to eyesores or projects that just got it all wrong.

On occasion, the society has also given a Special Award, for schemes, including publicly accessible interiors, which are not otherwise included in other award categories. It adds also that it is perfectly possible for developments to be nominated in multiple categories, as some divide opinion.

Among the nominations already made this year are188 Hammersmith Road, the home of interior design practice Beata Heuman Ltd. This Grade II listed building, built in the 1820s, has been restored and renovated by the company, and it has now been nominated for the Tom Ryland Award.

The person making the nomination said: “ “There are often members of the public taking photos of this building, especially at night, as it is beautifully lit as well as sympathetically restored. It is a joy to walk by. The small “Wildlife” Garden is very well tended and is a great addition to having some plants and greenery to admire along this road.”

At the other end of the scale, Goldhawk Road pub The Sindercombe Social has been nominated for a Wooden Spoon for what the society calls an “interesting” makeover for 2024 with a Ziggy Stardust-inspired “youth club vibe”. It adds that it is rather a contrast to the work undertaken to The Defector’s Weld to improve its façade on the opposite corner of Shepherd’s Bush Green.

Nominations for any of these categories can be made by adding comments here . The winners will be announced at The Hammersmith Society’s Awards Evening and AGM this autumn.

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