Late Night Trouble and Drug Dealing Top of Residents' Agendas

Local people meet police at meeting in Village Hall

Late night anti-social behaviour and drug-dealing linked to bars and clubs were two of the top issues highlighted by Shepherd's Bush Green residents to police top brass earlier this week.

Around 40 Shepherds Bush Green residents ran through their list of crime concerns with Detective Superintendent Nick Sedgemore and the council’s Deputy Leader at the meeting on Tuesday June 18.

At the lively gathering residents highlighted a number of crime-fighting priorities that they want the Police and local authority to tackle.

These included: Businesses allegedly breaching licensing restrictions with a specific problem in Hopgood Street; Drug dealing in the street; No CCTV in certain trouble spots; Not enough police on the street at night and people urinating in the street.

Josiane O’Sullivan, 67, from Batman Close, said: "There needs to be a bigger police presence in the area as this is the only way you can deter people from breaking the law. The biggest problem around here is people urinating in the park. It is a huge problem and is something that no one should have to see on their way home."

Alex Williams, 45, from Hopgood Street, added: " Licensing on the Uxbridge Road is a huge problem as businesses flout the late-night regulations creating 24-hour trouble. The licensing should be scaled back and unresponsive venues shut down. It is better now that the wineos have been moved on from the park but there is still work to be done."

The meeting was the latest in a series of ‘How are we doing on crime’ road shows that are touring the borough. Police Detective Superintendent Nick Sedgemore said that 140 extra police officers will be back on the beat from next week when the new police model comes into effect.

He also said that both robbery and burglary have gone down in the ward by 17%, while substance misuse is down 64%, compared to last year, while vehicle nuisance is down 29%.
The council provides 18 additional police constables in Shepherd’s Bush as part of a £5million package of extra spending on town centre beat police.

Councillor Greg Smith, H&F Council Deputy Leader, said: "Historically, people have been scared of being robbed in Shepherd’s Bush but violent crimes of all types have steadily gone down over recent years. The area is now safer and we will continue to ensure it becomes safer still."

The road shows are supported by the borough’s Neighbourhood Watch Association and are organised by the council in association with the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime. A list of issues and the actions taken by the authorities will appear shortly on the council website.

The next crime road-show is in Fulham Broadway on Tuesday July 2:
6.30pm for 7pm
Clem Attlee Tenants Hall
Len Freeman Place, SW6


June 21, 2013