Roadworks around Shepherd's Bush

Where to expect traffic delays in the days ahead

A402 Goldhawk Road, London, Hammersmith And Fulham
26 May — 28 May Lane closure
Delays likely due to Streetworks
11/046 Tel8120 - Slotcut Sd7 Loop, E/B Lane 1 Closed, 1000 - 1500 at A402
Responsibility: Transport For London
EToN status: Planned work about to start
Royal Crescent, London, Kensington And Chelsea
26 May — 27 May Road closure
Delays likely due to Streetworks
- at -
Responsibility: Kensington and Chelsea Royal Borough Council
EToN status: Planned work about to start
A219 Wood Lane, London, Hammersmith And Fulham
26 May — 08 June Some carriageway incursion
Delays possible due to Streetworks
Build 1 Concrete Chamber 2315mm X 737mm X 1565mm Deep In Footway,Erect/Renew 1 Pcp Cabinet And Base (600mm X 300mm X 1000mm),Install 17m Of 2 Poly Ducts In Footway,Install 3m Of 7 Poly Ducts In Footway at A219
Responsibility: BT
EToN status: Planned work about to start
A3220 Addison Crescent, London, Kensington And Chelsea
26 May — 28 May Some carriageway incursion
Delays possible due to Streetworks
Transfer Service On Columns at A3220
Responsibility: Kensington and Chelsea Royal Borough Council
EToN status: Planned work about to start
A4020 Uxbridge Road, London, Hammersmith And Fulham
26 May — 28 May Some carriageway incursion
Delays possible due to Streetworks
Excavate, Remove Existing Phone Kiosk, Backfill And Permanently Reinstate (Where Possible) at A4020
Responsibility: BT
EToN status: Planned work about to start
A402 Goldhawk Road, London, Hammersmith And Fulham
26 May — 28 May Some carriageway incursion
Delays possible due to Streetworks
Interim To Permanent Reinstatement In Footway at A402
Responsibility: Thames Water
EToN status: Planned work about to start
B412 St Mark'S Road, London, Kensington And Chelsea
26 May — 28 May Some carriageway incursion
Delays possible due to Streetworks
Lay Duct In Footway And Build Chamber To Connect Client at B412
Responsibility: Virgin Media
EToN status: Planned work about to start
Goodwin Road, London, Hammersmith And Fulham
26 May — 28 May Some carriageway incursion
Delays possible due to Streetworks
- at -
Responsibility: BT
EToN status: Planned work about to start
Iffley Road, London, Hammersmith And Fulham
25 May — 29 May Traffic control (give & take)
Delays possible due to Streetworks
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Responsibility: Fulcrum Pipelines Limited
EToN status: Planned work about to start
Leamore Street, London, Hammersmith And Fulham
26 May — 09 June Lane closure
Delays possible due to Streetworks
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Responsibility: UK Power Networks
EToN status: Planned work about to start

Information supplied by




May 25, 2015

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