Public Exhibition on Proposed New Development

Residents invited to see plans for 282 Goldhawk Road

Residents interested in the future of the former residential care home at 282 Goldhawd Road will be able to view proposals to redevelop the site in a special exhibition at Greenside Primary School on June 6 between 1:00-4:00pm.

The redevelopment plans drawn up by property management company Places fo People, propose 67 residential units, some with roof terraces, and an underground car park. 17 of the 67 units are supported housing for vulnerable residents, 23 are shared ownership and another 23 for market sale. The remaining four units are available to rent by any former resident who wishes to return to the site. The terraced houses are between two and four storeys high and are laid out around three mews streets and two tree lined public squares.

Places for People have been talking to local residents about the plans since December 2008. Some of the significant changes that have been made following feedback from residents are:

  • Replacing the low wall in the front gardens along Goldhawk Road with hedges
  • Adding front gardens with hedges to houses along Ashchurch Grove
  • The removal of shops
  • The scheme is to be fully pedestrianised
  • Redesigning the front of the buildings following residents’ concerns
  • Detailed landscaping developed with resident steering group

Places for People are expected to submit a planning application later this year after residents have had another chance to air their views through the public exhibition.

If you would like further information or would like to make a comment on the proposals please email

29 May 2009