I couldn't agree more Bob! I have lived in the area for 7 years and just off Askew Rd for the last 3 or so and am delighted that it is developing. Of course in an ideal world it wouldn't be the big guns like Tescos moving in when we already have the Co-op, Sainsburys etc, to leave more room for smaller independent shops to open, but the truth is that with mainstream shops comes custom, it might take a while but the foot flow will increase and people will be able to get all their supplies locally and if the foot flow increases then that will provide opportunity for specialists to develop. My husband and I no longer shop at the big Sainsburys in Chiswick or the big Tescos on Shep Bush Rd and buy everything in one go, but get the essentials from the local supermarkets and then buy things like fresh bread, wine, fruit and veg from the lovely shops such as Askew Wine, Lavellis and Atlas. I can certainly say that the smaller stores have a larger share of our spending then when we went to do a ‘’big shop’’ before. No need for a car (gone) and I love shopping along Askew Rd, the people are lovely and there is a strong community feel! I think the local community will only benefit from a Mosque OR a Waitrose so I say bring it on!
Alexandra Brown ● 5090d