Genes Reunited Scam.
Has anyone else been scammed by Genes Reunited? I accepted a free 14 day trial in February 2012. The terms were that if I was happy with the free trial, £49.95 would be taken from my bank account after the 14 days for a 6 month subscription. The day after the trial started I cancelled the trial and the subscription. Over the next two weeks I sent another 3 or 4 emails but received no replys from any of them. I was then notified by Genes Reunited that they had taken £49.95 from my account. Funny thing is they are now answering my emails now that they have taken the money. They claim that they haven't received any of the 4 or 5 emails asking them to cancel. When I then asked if they wanted me to forward to them the emails requesting cancelation they just emailed back saying that they weren't giving a refund. Barclay's bank has asked me to send them copies of the emails which I sent to Genes Reunited and they will recover my money. Another warning! If you join Genes Reunited for 6 months you will pay £49.95 and if you don't wish to take out another 6 month subscription they will still take another £49.95 for another 6 months. There are other people that have lost their money in this way, but Genes Reunited blame the individuals for NOT notifying them that they wish to cancel. Be warned! Regards. Neil Milkins. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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